A podcast about creating your own role-playing game and wargame rules hosted by Tom Barbalet.
66. Nergling! [August 26, 2023]
Tom chats with Nergling about a variety of topics including Nergling's Patreon. [ MP3 | link ]
65. Spencer on Solo [January 6, 2023]
Tom chats with Spencer about solo game play. [ MP3 | link ]
64. Numbered Musing [November 25, 2022]
Tom muses about whether having a physical rules is better. [ MP3 | link ]
63. No Nappies [July 1, 2022]
Tom talks to messages from Barney Dicker and Spencer's question about what makes a good D and D game. [ MP3 | link ]
62. Brain Chemistry [June 3, 2022]
Tom has some updates quick fast. [ MP3 | link ]
61. Origins of Chaos [May 13, 2022]
Tom has started the formalized Just Plain Chaos rules. [ MP3 | link ]
60. No Pile? [April 23, 2022]
The lead pile is a thing of the past. [ MP3 | link ]
59. Back to Basics [March 20, 2022]
Slightly changed from the lockdowns, Tom offers what is coming up. [ MP3 | link ]
58. Nothing Works [February 13, 2022]
Tom talks about re-altering his game development with the new normal of physical things. [ MP3 | link ]
57. The Good, the Bagged and the Ugly [January 22, 2022]
Barney Dicker returns to explore what can be done with the new normal. [ MP3 | link ]
56. Clearly Someone Is Wrong! [September 3, 2021]
Barney Dicker returns to explore his feedback from Adventures in Soothsaying. Tom discusses the holy grail of this game creation, providing rules people want to play.[ MP3 | link ]
55. Fascist Kitchenware [August 15, 2021]
Two topics for this recording - what has happened to Sim Sea Lion and the myth of the friendly local games store. [ MP3 | link ]
54. Adventures in Soothsaying [August 8, 2021]
Tom explores some periodic updates including the creation of an ork army, what violence means with daughters now and how to encourage creatives. [ MP3 | link ]
53. Sleep Deprived Updates [May 30, 2021]
There are many different updates based on recent travels, thinking and general lack of sleep. Enjoy! [ MP3 | link ]